theres a glitch with going down the tower my item was equipped but it kept prompting that i needed something to go down from the tower. i just unequipped it then reequipped it and then it worked.
just something for reference
theres a glitch with going down the tower my item was equipped but it kept prompting that i needed something to go down from the tower. i just unequipped it then reequipped it and then it worked.
just something for reference
great game! although i am a fan of your work, i must say that at one point i felt like i would be the only game that would have an idea about using an item but would not get it right away due to its clickable area.
SPOILER im talking about the glowing cocktail. im sure a lot of gamers would have the sense to use it but quickly dismiss it due to its massive unclickable area in the dark. maybe it would help to have the main character prompt us with "i should find a ledge" or something to that effect. either way great game! i miss the voice acting tho and such.
-your n-years fan, kaboomexplosion :)
the animation is adorable!
the music gets annoying... would have been better to have it have a longer loop or something...
generally, people won't like to see a score thing unless they see it as an option on the start up screen
the dogs part gets annoying and its not so fun to avoid them (maybe it would be better if you could make him run so it feels more realistic?)
adding a replay medal makes it feel more worth it to replay the game
i would have appreciated voice animation
he came out thru the entrance! LOL
maybe the pipes should have been labelled with a start part and and end part (or a butt and a head) cause when you're moving them around, you have to rotate them in such a way that they will connect! (even if the orientation SEEMS right, it wont connect until a 180 turn, tricky for the straight pipe!) this is not very obvious and i even considered that it was my computer that was wrong. apart from that, good game :)
please make more in this theme!
that ending! <3
took me a LONG while to get the magician to leave tho!
SPOILER ALERT usetheboardonsomethingthatcanbreak
why cant i go back to the hotel to get a potato?
you did bad, son
so it's not really a bug, but maybe it can improve ur game:
when nene's alright, and you've found a secret entrance before helping her, u can walk out, walk thru D and N wont follow you (i just assume she would) didnt think I had to talk to her twice (by exiting and entering the room) but yeah, its a point!
and to all the gamers out there, PULL DOWN ON LOCK (S key)